Director Charles Preis
Painting by Guy Williams, one of the Band's cornet players.
Reggie's "new" antique wooden flute. It was made in Germany in 1890 by W. R. Meinell. Sweet!
Charlie's alternative personalities...
Landmark Center
April 22, 2012
Saxophonist Kevin Fraley receiving a
Music Scholarship from Century College Music Department's Elliot Wilcox and Shirley Mier.
The Four Composers!
Dr. John Zdechlik, founder of the Band
Charles Preis, Director
Dr. Shirley Mier, Music Faculty
Steven A. Kennedy, bassoonist with the Band and Century Chamber Orchestra.
Winter Concert, 2017
Steve Kennedy, bassoon; Tom Herschbach, clarinet; Sue Benson, flute; Frankie Benson, oboe; Mark Sherrill, bassoon; Reggie Buresh, piccolo. This was Steve's final concert with us.
2017 Spring Concert.
Animation Toon Town
Teacher's Office
Star Wars
Prequel Trilogy
Star Wars
Original Trilogy